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Simon on Social Identification: Two Connections with Bounded Rationality

The twelfth in a series of excerpts from Minds, Models and Milieux: Commemorating the Centennial of the Birth of Herbert Simon. Rouslan Koumakhov Social identifications are one of Herbert Simon’s most recurrent themes. Starting with Administrative Behavior (hereafter, AB) (Simon, 1947/1997), he investigates that theme throughout his scientific work on an impressive number of occasions. Perhaps…

Institutional Identity

The very excellent Joshua Rust has made this paper published in Journal of Social Ontology freely available. Derek Parfit famously sought to illuminate his account of personal identity by comparing a person to a club. If Parfit could use our intuitions about clubs to help motivate his neo-Lockean account of personal identity over time, which resists…

Stigmergy and Methodological individualism

We’ve been bloody well saying this for the past decade! Here and here and several other places besides. Good though to see The Review of Austrian Economics carry this paper — the late Don Lavoie (as did Hayek before him) was the first of the new generation of Austrians to explicitly grasp the concept of stigmergy, though admittedly,…

Anarchy, State, and Utopia: Critical Exposition

Below is an extract (the first section of Chapter 2) of Ralf Bader’s most excellent and crisp Robert Nozick (pp. 10-14). Famously, Nozick begins his book Anarchy, State, and Utopia with the claim: ‘Individuals have rights, and there are things no person or group may do to them (without violating their rights)’ (p. ix). This claim…