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Cosmos + Taxis: Upcoming Symposia

An exciting 18 months of symposia in the offing with top-notch contributors and with replies by each author. See the C+T website and FB page. In no particular order: Mikayla Novak’s Inequality: An Entangled Political Economy Perspective — to be edited by Brendan Markey-Towler Roger Scruton’s Conservatism: An Invitation to the Great Tradition — to be…

Paula Wright: Sexy isn’t Sexist

“Sexy isn’t Sexist” is Paula Wright’s Twitter handle. Very chuffed to have the versatile and independent-minded Paula allow us to use one of her compelling photographs as the next C+T cover. As a classical liberal in the tradition of grandees such as Christina Hoff Sommers and Susan Haack, Paula and a new crop of formidable empirically informed and temperamentally based…